Got questions? We'll try to answer them.

The purpose of this page is to describe the various possible installations of our cribs in vehicles such as Renault Trafic, Opel Vivaro, Nissan Primastar, Fiat Talento...

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Start by watching our video review of the Renault Trafic!

different configurations to discover in this video
Who's it for?
As many people as possible
several possible solutions on Renault Trafic chassis. Seatbelt buckles, headrest uprights, handles and also sun visors by modifying their attachment.
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example: ##

The classic, for all ages!

This is the most popular configuration, 150 cm with 1 x 30 cm net.
Who's it for?
This configuration is for people who want a net to protect access to the dashboard, or to partition the space when the seats are turned over.
It can therefore be adapted to the smallest when there are 3 seats up front, and also to the largest who don't want to press the horn.
A é.
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example: Trafic 2014, rear-facing or forward-facing seats, 5-year-old child, 150 1 30, with pocket.
Lit enfant dans un Renault Trafic
Lit installé dans un fourgon Glenan concept car
Lit enfant dans un opel Vivaro
Lit enfant dans un Nissan Primastar
Pochette dans un lit enfant


for the little ones!

With 2 nets, 40 or 50 cm high, 150 cm front, 160 cm rear
Who's it for?
This configuration is designed for the smallest children, as the nets retract to dissuade them from escaping. It's for parents who want a secure bed that lasts.
the bed comes from side to side and can be used facing or facing away from the road
in function
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example: Trafic 2018, front or back seats, 5 years, 150 2 40, with pocket.
lit pour jeune enfant dans un Renault Trafic
Lit pour jeune enfant dans un Opel Vivaro
2 filets de 40 cm dans un Renault Trafic
2 filets de 50 cmdans un Renault Trafic
lit banquette renault trafic


And why not 2 or 3 beds!

bunk beds, each on its own side, it's up to you.
Who's it for?
for families who need to add 2 beds.
the principle remains the same if you want to add a 3rd bed.
The 2 beds are independent, the anchoring points vary according to the position of the beds
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cover offered with purchase of beds.
2 lits en + dans un Renault Trafic
2 lits suspendus dans un Opel Vivaro
2 lits pour ados dans un Renault Trafic
2 lits enfants Renault Trafic
3 lits enfants dans un Renault Trafic



rear, crosswise, anything's possible
Who's it for?
DIY enthusiasts who want a bed that adapts to their plans.
Bed length, net height, tell us what you want.
install rings or pitons for simple, effective inking
Enter your message in the personalization field.
It's up to you to tell us what you want.
lit enfant arrière Renault Trafic
lit arrière Vivaro


Focus on inking points!

Who's it for?
If in doubt, give us a call. We're sure to have the solution.
90% of the time, there's nothing to modify on your vehicle
belt buckle, sun visor, handle, headrest post, ...
Just enter your message in the personalization field.
encrage poignées Trafic
encrage pare-soleil Vivaro
encrage Primastar
Trafic boucle de ceinture